Certa Experiences


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We create experiences that inform, entertain and make you want to live a little.

It's not about adding the leaf of basil to the pasta al pomodoro - it's the way we do it. It's the way that we do everything, with a simplicity that is often unintentional and which distinguishes us as Italian. ⁣

Join us for a dinner, a tasting, a journey. Embrace the unique, the curious and the creative sides that makes this miniature continent attached to Europe an unforgettable experience. 

Travel with us

We create journeys around Italy to experience the essence of wine, spirits and food culture. Supported by our partners, we design ad-hoc itineraries that make you feel welcome (and pampered).

Dine with us

We organizes gatherings that bring together our network from around the world to share knowledge and experiences about Italian food, wine and spirits.


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