Drink with Certa #8: Fattoria Carpineta Fontalpino's Chianti Classico | Certa

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Drink with Certa #8: Fattoria Carpineta Fontalpino's Chianti Classico

Written by Justin Chen

The estate of Carpineta Fontalpino is located in the heart of Tuscany, very close to Siena. In fact it is situated at the foot of Montaperti hill that in 1260 was the stage of the memorable battle that ended with Siena defeating Florence, which was a rare case during the long-lasting rivals between these two city states. The winery is currently run by the second generation brother and sister, Filippo and Gioia Cresti; together with Sara, the third generation of the family. They are certified organic winery with deep attention and respect to the environment and nature way of living. ⁣
Carpineta Fontalpino酒莊位於托斯卡納的核心地區,靠近錫耶納。事實上,其所在的Montaperti山腳曾是1260年一場著名戰鬥的發生地,此戰以錫耶納擊敗佛羅倫斯而告終,在這兩個城邦國長期爭鬥的過程中是比較罕見的。該酒莊目前由第二代Filippo和Gioia Cresti兄妹以及第三代的Sara共同打理。這是一間有機認證的酒莊,對環境和自然的生活方式尤為注重。

To celebrate woman winemakers for the month of March, Certa held a great online zoom tasting with Gioia, who is a professional enologist and taking care of all production processes including making and ageing at Carpineta Fontalpino.  Gioia is a sunny and energetic woman with great love and passion on her land and the Sangiovese grape. Her personality and dedication is well reflected in this single vineyard Chianti Classico – Dofana, which is named after an Etruscan Prince, meaning the force. This vineyard is located at an altitude of 300 meters with southeastern exposure. Its Glaestro soil is rich in clay, which contributes to the rich and powerful character of the wine.⁣

為了在三月份向女性釀酒人致敬,Certa舉辦了一場與Gioia連線的網上品酒活動。Gioia是一名職業釀酒師,負責該酒莊從釀酒到陳年的整個生產過程。她是一位陽光而富有活力女性,對所在的這片土地和桑嬌維賽葡萄有著強烈的感情和熱情。她的個性和付出充分體現在這款經典基安蒂單一園葡萄酒 Dofana中。Dofana以一位伊特魯裡亞王子的名字命名,寓意力量。此葡萄園位於海拔300米,東南朝向,其Glestro土壤富含粘土,使得該酒款呈現濃郁而有力的風格。

The wine shows deep ruby color with a slight garnet hue. The nose is intense and complex with violet, ripe red and black cherries, blackberry, plum, sweet spices (liquorice and nutmeg) and some leather and tobacco notes. On palate, it is rich and full-bodied with great structure showing the ripe but chalky Sangiovese tannins. Although the vineyard is located within the southernmost and warm subzone of Chianti Classico – Castelnuovo Berandenga, the wine maintains a bright and juicy acidity, which balances very well with its concentrated fruit flavours.  The aftertaste is long and complex with black fruits, sweet spices, forest floor and flinty minerality. 2016 is one of the greatest recent vintages for Chianti Classico, which ensures a tremendous ageing potential for this wine for more than 20 years.  For drinking now, it is recommended to decant the wine for about two hours or open the bottle in the morning and leave it to air slowly in the bottle for drinking at dinner time.   ⁣
此酒呈深紅寶石色,邊緣稍顯橙色。其香氣馥鬱複雜,紫羅蘭、熟透的紅、黑櫻桃、黑莓、李子、甘草和豆蔻等甜香料,並帶些皮革和煙草的氣味。其入口濃郁,酒體飽滿,結構強勁,呈現成熟的粉狀質地的桑嬌維賽單寧特徵。雖然葡萄園位於經典基安蒂產區最南部氣候溫暖的Castelnuovo Berandenga子產區,但此酒仍能保持亮麗的酸度,與其濃郁的果味達致很好的平衡。此酒餘韻悠長複雜,黑色果實、甜香料、森林泥土和燧石般的礦物味紛呈,令人回味無窮。2016是近年來經典基安蒂最偉大的年份之一,這使得此酒擁有二十年以上的陳年能力。如果想現在飲用,建議入醒酒器醒酒約兩小時或是於早上開瓶,讓她於瓶中慢慢透氣,以便晚餐時間可以享用。

For this rich and powerful Sangiovese, Bistecca alla Fiorentina, dry aged steak and aged hard cheeses are all ideal choices. You may also pair it with dishes with black truffles because the earthy and tobacco notes in the wines would echo very well with the black truffle aromas. If you want to try some Chinese cuisines, then think about beef tenderloin with black pepper, roasted goose, tea smoked chicken and Peking Duck etc.  This is a great wine which deserves a well selected dish to enhance your gastronomic experience. Hope you may enjoy it like me. Cheers! ⁣


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